Packing a Lot of Stuff in a Small Kayak
A friend recently contacted us with a great question: “How do I pack 10 days...
Managing Poop: Groovers and LNT Practices
Many of the permitted western rivers require you to bring a groover — or, waste...
Boat Choice
At this point, people have self-support kayaked the Grand Canyon in craft ranging from an...
So You Want to Try Self-Support Kayaking
Whitewater kayaking has a pretty high barrier to entry to begin with and self-support kayaking...
Making a Self-Support Food Plan
Many people approach their food plan for self-support kayak trips the same way they’d approach...
Weight, Food, and Just How Much Beer Can I Bring Anyway?
People often approach kayak self-supports the same way they would approach backpacking trips with a...
Firepan Requirements in the Grand Canyon
The important dimensions are required by the NPS regs: the pan needs to be 300...
Grand Canyon Groovers
In the section of the NPS’s Noncommercial River Trip Regulations entitled “Human Waste Carry-Out Method” (Page...